Every profession has its set of tools. Whether they are as specific and fine as a jeweler’s or as simple as a closer’s pen, the right tools bring efficiency, precision and craftsmanship. At Mindset Shift we are well equipped with our unique and powerful toolbox:
Culture fit assessment
Although we are constantly in contact with it, culture like white noise fades into the background of our daily live. We bring it forward for you. We assess how culturally aware you are – of both untrue stereotypes you might have about the other culture and knowledge of your own. We give you an evaluation of the discrepancy between your value system and that of the other culture.
State of mind measurement
Your standard engagement survey gives you a snapshot, we give you a road map. We develop custom questionnaires to assess employee engagement, motivation, satisfaction and buy-in – in conjunction with actionable areas such as vision and strategy, values and behavior, organization and cooperation.
Thus, we help you to understand how organizational initiatives impact your employees’ state of mind (motivation and engagement) and give you recommendations on how to design organizational and individual development in order to align corporate behavior and individual mindsets.
Feedback with 360° surveys
Getting the whole picture is the idea behind our tailor-made 360° surveys. We use them to assess emotional intelligence, align with company-specific leadership profiles, and measure gelassenheit. The data collected can be the basis for further coaching and feeds into our trainings.
Cognitive and emotional positioning survey (CEPS)
How can you know what step to take if you don’t know where you stand? Figuring out where you stand and how you feel about a decision is key to taking the right one. The CEPS is a measurement tool that allows you to get a concrete picture of your situation: be it your position within or towards your team, your organization, your career path, your network, … The insight gathered by the computer assisted, one hour, in-depth interview (based on the repertory gird technique) illustrates and qualifies your current standpoint, the ideal, and how you can potentially position yourself in the future.
Hopes, fears, and aspirations are often hidden emotional drivers behind decisions. Being aware of them lets you take control. Other unseen hurdles like conflicting interests or suboptimal, even counter-productive, communication may create barriers to collaboration. Discerning motivation and disengagement will unlock your own, you team’s or your organization’s potential. The CEPS makes you aware of your mindset, so you can begin to shift it in the right direction.